Below are answers to some frequently asked questions I get between semesters.

Are you teaching ___?

Maybe? My Fall 2023 (current) schedule is:

  • Math 321 - Discrete Structures 1 in-person and online
    • for CS majors and secondary ed
  • Math 231 - “Discrete Mathematics”
    • it’s different than the other one.
    • it’s a new class we’re running for the fall.
  • Math 531 - History of Mathematics
    • Yes, it is as awesome as you’ve heard.

I’m on the waitlist, can you ___?

No. I don’t control the waitlist nor do I have any control over the number of seats allocated to my classes.

Do you have a copy of the syllabus for ___?

Not for the fall, but here’s some old ones to give you a general idea:

  • Math 321, Spring 2023
  • Math 531, Fall 2022
  • Math 231 This is a new class that’s never been taught before, but I hope to structure it like math 321 above, just with different content. I’ll have a syllabus for by mid-August.